Thursday, May 14, 2020

Cover Letter Example - 1069 Words

Date 1Name of Employer Official Title Business Name Street Address City, ST zip 1Dear Mr., Ms., Mrs.: 2â€Å"Enclosed please find my application materials for the position of Office Clerk, as advertised in the Chico Enterprise Record.† Or: â€Å"I am pleased to apply for the position of Office Clerk, as advertised in the Chico Enterprise Record. Enclosed are my resume and letters of recommendation for your consideration.† 3â€Å"I have five years of office experience, and most of my experience has included general reception, word processing using Microsoft Word, and extensive work with Excel spreadsheets. I have excellent phone skills, and am accustomed to working with frequent interruptions. My letters of recommendation attest to†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"As you requested when we spoke yesterday, enclosed are my application materials. . . . † 3. In the second paragraph, highlight three or four things that qualify you for the position. This is done most effectively if you have called the employer ahead of time and asked them to identify the major duties, and skills required for the position. A job description will frequently list 10 or 20 duties, but most of your time will be spent on four or five tasks. Find out what those tasks are so you can focus this paragraph on your experience and/or skills related to those items. 4. The third paragraph, if you choose to use it, can describe additional skills, or you can focus on why you want to work for that employer. If you choose to â€Å"flatter† the employer, you need to be sincere and specific. Again, it’s most effective if you’ve contacted the employer before preparing your cover letter and resume. â€Å"From what you told me when we spoke on the phone, it sounds like your company is just the kind of place I’d like to work.† 5. The final paragraph should close with thanks and a request for action, or a statement of what action you will take. 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